Saturday, January 8, 2022

4. Failing an exam

One of the challenges in a student's life is to face the disappointment of failures. How does one handle failures and become stronger and not be devastated by their negative experiences? 

Perception is the key, and Processing is a door that leads to resilience.

Perception: How our children perceive what an exam is will affect how they react after receiving the grades. Some students cry; some take it in stride. Those who can benefit from the exam are the ones who perceive it with a proper perspective. Exam at school is only a way to measure what we have learned. Any exam is just estimating a small aspect of what we know. Exams are just marking the progress of our learning. The exam is not always needed if there are other ways to assess the progress. Grades do not equate to our worth or full abilities. We are more than grades and exams.  We found our worth and value in the belief that we are loved by The Creator, God our Father.  Within our Christian tradition, we are made in the image of God.  If you have not seen this clip or heard this song before, do check out the following link. In my humble opinion, this is one of the most powerful song in these past few years, titled “So Will I”:

Parents have the power to set this proper perspective for our kids. Schools and teachers have a strategic role to create a holistic educational culture and process .  

Processing: When students fail their exams, they need support, comfort, and a listening ear. They need someone to help process their emotions, struggles, self-images, identities, and philosophies of life. They need hope and a new perspective when they are steeped in their disappointment.  

Students perceive exams and grades through the eyes of their parents. Students also come out of their struggles quicker if parents can process their feelings and struggles. In summary, both the attitude and how parents talk to their children build resilience.

9. Lessons from Failures

Real-life is full of successes and failures. Only if we live in artificial bubbles are losses eliminated. Avoiding failures is futile. Failu...