Sunday, March 13, 2022

6. Stay Home Challenge

What can we do as we enter into another period of uncertainty? when the students are staying home without much options of going out? while the world is experiencing pandemics and wars, how can we create a healthy, safe and life giving routine for the whole family?

Here are a few practical suggestions:

1. Create space for each other: finding a corner where one can hide and be by themselves without disturbe by others. This is good for our mental health and a sense of security.

2. Create time for play: by definition, play is non-structured, self-initiating and free to explore.

3. Create time for conversation: during or afer a movie, reading a book, watching local or world news, listening to a great speech online, after attending a service, are the daily conversations that shape us, feed us and grow us as a family.

4. Create one-on-one connection: take time out meeing individually on a date to do something of their choice or liking.

5. Create time for peer-relationship: Whether through social media, video chats, or get together in person this is one of the most important area of children development.

6. Create fitness routine: Learn new approaches, develop flexible routines.

7. Create time to pray as a family: the family that prays together stays together.

8. Create practices of gratitude: Before we sleep, count off three things that we are grateful for.

9. Ctreate family photo album or video watching night.

10. Create extended family reunion.

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